5 Minute Tea Break with Maddie Hutchings

Maddie has been the friendly face of the Eastbourne office for many years. Answering calls, pointing new clients in the right direction while tending to the reception desk is all in a day’s work for this multi-tasking star.

Tea or coffee?

MH: A morning tea followed by a black coffee.

What first brought you to work at Hart Reade?

MH: I spotted a very small advertisement for a receptionist and I wanted to change my line of work. I was told the reason the ad was so small was to do with attention to detail.

I’ve never been to a law office before, what can I expect?

MH: You can expect an understanding approach to your matter and we will assist immediately if it is something we can help with at the time.

Are the solicitors good at getting back to clients?

MH: We will always endeavour to return your call by the end of the day

My case is very sensitive, will the people who handle it be confidential and discreet?

MH: Yes – always. We are client confidential at all times and all of our staff will assist you with questions to the best of their expertise.