Family Law Solicitors in Sussex

Why choose Hart Reade?

Hart Reade know how important it is to amicably resolve family matters as quickly and effectively as possible. We are solicitors based in Eastbourne, MeadsPolegate and Hailsham, in East Sussex. Our family team consists of qualified Solicitors, Lawyers and Legal Executives with many years of relevant experience in Family Law.

In particular – Family Finance, Civil Partnerships, Unmarried Couples (including separation and property disputes) and all matters involving Children to include Residence (Custody) and Contact (Access).

Our Lawyers exclusively practice Family Law. You can have confidence that your representative is suitably qualified and has the expertise to give prudent, considered and sound advice. We have chosen to have our offices in Eastbourne, Polegate and Hailsham. However we see many clients from Bexhill, Seaford, Battle, Heathfield, Uckfield and Lewes and other towns in and around Sussex. We also are proud to say that quite a few of our clients come from as far as Tunbridge Wells in Kent. Some families would rather work with a solicitor who is not in their local town, especially when it comes to the delicate nature of any family matters.

We will help with cases ranging from simple and straightforward matters where agreement has already been reached. Cases where negotiation is required on your behalf to achieve a settlement. To the more complex matters where Court proceedings are needed.  We advise in respect of all forms of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) – i.e. resolving matters without Court intervention.  This includes Solicitor assisted settlement, Mediation and Collaborative Law.

We are specialist Solicitors in Sussex and experts in all areas of Family Law.

Our Philosophy

We understand that the concerns of instructing a Solicitor or Lawyer can include fears of high legal costs, daunting terminology and documentation and the worry of unnecessary Court proceedings.

Therefore at Hart Reade we have the experience and practical understanding to offer complete peace of mind:

We have a diverse team of Family Law Solicitors in Sussex. As well as offering different Solicitors to suit your specific needs.

Free Legal Appointments in Sussex

Our Family Department offers a free 30 minute appointment to all clients.

At that appointment we will discuss and review your circumstances and give you preliminary legal advice.

We will also review with you, in general terms, your options in respect of the divorce, finances or children matters and also provide a cost estimate.

The 30 minute appointment will be free of charge and there will be no obligation for you to use our services.

If you live in Sussex please telephone the following contact numbers to arrange an appointment:

Eastbourne 01323 727321

Meads 01323 407577

Hailsham 01323 841481

Polegate 01323 487051

We will maintain complete confidentiality and discretion at all times.

Further Legal Information

Click on the links below for further information on the following areas:

Divorce and Family Finance

Civil Partnerships

Pre-Nuptial Agreements

Unmarried Couples


Mediation Services

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

Representation in Court Proceedings

Our Team

Costs – General Information

Deferring Fees in Divorce