Power of Attorney
A Power of Attorney is a legal document where a person gives another person or persons (the Attorneys) power to make decisions. To deal with legal formalities and documents at their direction or on their behalf. They can also make decisions regarding their health or care when a person is unable to make those decisions for himself. This is called a Lasting Power of Attorney.
Two types of Lasting Powers of Attorney
- Property & Financial Affairs Lasting Power of Attorney. Which allows your Attorney to have authority to deal with property and finances as you direct while you remain able to deal with these matters yourself. And then to take over matters for you should you lose mental capacity to do so; and
- Health & Welfare Lasting Power of Attorney. Which allows your Attorney to make decisions about your heath and care matters on your behalf when you no longer have the mental capacity to do so yourself. This can include, if you so wish, the giving or refusing consent to life sustaining treatment in certain circumstances.
Choosing who will act
A Lasting Power of Attorney is an important document and you should take great care in choosing your Attorneys. They should be trustworthy and have applicable skills to make the decisions that you are entrusting to them. You can appoint more than one Attorney and must decide whether they must all act together, or whether they can act separately. You can also appoint replacement Attorneys should an Attorney die or no longer be able to act. Special care needs to be taken when making these decisions and putting the Lasting Powers of Attorney together to ensure matters work as you wish. The documents cannot be amended at a later date.
How do I put a Power of Attorney in place?
There are formalities to be followed when creating Lasting Powers of Attorney. They must be signed by you and your Attorney and witnessed in a particular order. In addition someone else must certify that you understand the nature and scope of the Lasting Power of Attorney. As well as you have not been unduly pressured into making the power. Our team can advise you on matters to consider and additional powers or instructions to include. Which often requires specialist wording, depending on your particular circumstances and wishes.
The Lasting Power of Attorney must be registered with the Office of Public Guardian before it can be used. A Property & Affairs Lasting Power of Attorney can be used (at your direction) before you lose the mental ability to deal with your own finances. Also if you lack the capacity to make financial decision yourself. A Health & Welfare Lasting Power of Attorney can only be used if you lack mental capacity to make welfare or medical decisions for yourself.
Existing Enduring Powers of Attorney made before 1 October 2007 will continue to be valid. They will only apply to your property and affairs. If you wish someone to be able to make decisions regarding your health treatment, welfare matters and even being cared for at home or in residential care, you will need to make a Health & Welfare Lasting Power of Attorney.
There are also other types of Power of Attorney for short term or specific use which we will be pleased to advise on should your circumstances require.
Contact Us
Please telephone the following contact numbers to arrange an appointment if you would like to talk about setting up Powers of Attorney with one of our East Sussex solicitors. With offices in Eastbourne, Hailsham, Polegate and Meads, we also work with customers in Battle, Bexhill, Hastings, Heathfield, Uckfield, Lewes & Seaford, to create lasting Powers of Attorney.
Eastbourne 01323 727321
Hailsham 01323 841481
Polegate 01323 487051
Meads 01323 407577
Alternatively, please complete the contact form below.
Lasting Powers of Attorney Leaflet
Download our lasting powers of attorney leaflet to find out more about how we can help you.
Lasting Powers of Attorney LeafletPlease note the above is for information purposes only and is intended to be a short summary. It should not be treated as a comprehensive guide and should not be acted on without qualified legal advice.
We work around the whole of East Sussex, including Hastings, Battle and Bexhill, Heathfield, Uckfield, Lewes, Seaford as well as all towns and villages in between.