Writing a Will

Wills & Trusts, photo of a grand parent and child

It is important to make a Will to ensure the people close to you are provided for on your death in accordance with your wishes. Having a Will means that you retain control over who deals with your estate after your death and who stands to inherit.  Hart Reade are Solicitors with offices in EastbourneHailsham, Polegate and Meads. We offer Will writing services in East Sussex and the surrounding areas.

Will Writing Services in East Sussex

One of our team of qualified, experienced lawyers will be pleased to assist you in drawing up your Will. We will provide you with a Will Questionnaire prior to your appointment to help you start thinking about what you would like to happen upon your death. This will include who your Executors should be, whether you wish to leave any specific items or sums of money to individuals, who will be Guardians for your children and who should inherit your estate.

We will then discuss your personal circumstances and what you wish to achieve in your Will. Guiding you through the process, listening carefully to your wishes and providing you will the appropriate advice and options.

We provide comprehensive advice including, if required, advice on Inheritance Tax planning and simple Trusts within your Will, in order to best achieve your aims. We can also advise on potential claims or challenges which could be made against your Will on your death, and how best to mitigate the risk of these claims either arising or being successful.

Our solicitors will provide you with an estimate of costs at the first meeting which will depend on your individual circumstances.

Do I need a Will?

If you die without a Will, or leave a Will which is incomplete or invalid, the Intestacy Rules will apply. This means that the law will determine what happens to your estate which could result in your estate passing to distant relatives who you would not wish to benefit. “Common Law” partners are not recognised under the Intestacy Rules and for married couples it does not always follow that the surviving spouse will inherit the whole estate.

Therefore, if you do not have a Will, or your Will is invalid or unclear, this can lead not only to unintended consequences, but a lot of heartache, upheaval and potential cost for your loved ones in trying to resolve matters after your death. Having a Will prepared by an experienced Solicitor can provide reassurance to you and your family.

We offer free and safe storage of original Wills in our strong room and we provide you with a copy to refer to at home.

Free Initial Consultation

If you have been intending to prepare a Will, have one that needs updating, or are simply looking for some qualified advice, please contact us to arrange a free 15 minute, no obligation telephone consultation with one of our experts where we can discuss what is involved and the likely cost. Call us on 01323 727321 or email us at info@hartreade.co.uk.

Contact Us

If you are looking for Will writing services in East Sussex, including Hastings, Bexhill, Battle, Heathfield, Uckfield, Lewes or Seaford then please telephone the following contact numbers to arrange an appointment with us. We will then be able to take the first steps for you in writing a Will.

Eastbourne 01323 727321

Hailsham 01323 841481

Polegate 01323 487051

01323 407577

Alternatively, please complete the contact form below.

Making a Will Leaflet

Download our making a will leaflet to find out more about how we can help you.

Making a Will Leaflet

Please click here to fill in our contact form

Please note the above is for information purposes only and is intended to be a short summary.  It should not be treated as a comprehensive guide and should not be acted on without qualified legal advice.

For information on challenging a Will, please click here.