Best Practice in FDR Appointments

Family and Divorce

The Money and Property Committee of the Family Justice Council have produced best practice guidance for professional conducting financial dispute resolution (FDR) appointments.

The guidance aims to provide helpful and practical advice on a number of issues that arise in relation to the preparation, conduct and aftermath of FDR’s and to improve consistency and hopefully the parties’ experience of an important stage of financial remedy proceedings.

Divorce Solicitors Eastbourne, Hailsham, Polegate, East Sussex

If you would like advice on divorce and finances please contact our Family Law Department for a free initial appointment in Eastbourne 01323 727321, Hailsham 01323 841481 or Polegate 01323 727321.

Nicholas Dennis
Nicholas Dennis
Alexandra Funnell
Alexandra Funnell
Guy Brown
Guy Brown
Carolyn Richards
Carolyn Richards