Hart Reade are experienced Solicitors in Eastbourne, Hailsham, and Polegate. As such we also offer Lasting Power of Attorney services in Battle, Bexhill and Hastings. We can assist and advise you on all aspects of setting up Powers of Attorney.
A Lasting Power of Attorney is a legal document where a person gives another person or persons (the Attorneys) power to make decisions on their behalf.
Two types of Lasting Powers of Attorney
There are two documents that can be set up:
- Property & Financial Affairs Lasting Power of Attorney.This allows your Attorney to have authority to deal with property and finances as you direct while you remain able to deal with these matters yourself and to take over matters for you should you lose mental capacity to do so; and
- Health & Welfare Lasting Power of Attorney.This allows your Attorney to make decisions about your heath and care matters on your behalf when you no longer have the mental capacity to do so yourself. This can include, if you so wish, the giving or refusing consent to life sustaining treatment in certain circumstances.
Choosing who will act
A Lasting Power of Attorney is an important document and you should take great care in choosing your Attorneys. They should be trustworthy and have the appropriate skills to make the decisions that you are entrusting to them. You can appoint more than one Attorney and must decide whether they must all act together, or whether they can act separately.
You can also appoint replacement Attorneys should an Attorney die or no longer be able to act. Special care needs to be taken when making these decisions and setting up the Lasting Powers of Attorney to ensure matters work as you wish. There are restrictions on the amendments that can be made at a later date.
Power of Attorney Solicitors in Battle
Please take a few minutes to read through all the information about setting up Powers of Attorney on our main page.