Smiles and Sunshine at St Wilfrid’s May Luncheon

St Wilfrid’s annual spring luncheon was another success which raised an incredible £184,000!

Hart Reade have proudly taken part for several years now and this year’s event was once again a fantastic afternoon.  Held on a beautiful day at the end of May, guests bid on a silent auction, entered a raffle and sat down to a three-course meal. Hart Reade donated one of the raffle prizes, which we were pleased to see raised £750.

A big thank you to our guests for attending: Emma Marsland (Plummer Parsons); Jamie Brockwell (Rager & Roberts); Dr Rajendra (Lighthouse Medical Practice); Rhia Carter (Haine & Son); Sarah Willingham (Taylor Engley) and Paul Hill (Complete Financial Planning Ltd).

We are always happy to take part in fundraising events for St Wilfrid’s, they provide our community with such a worthy service.