Will Writing Services in Hastings

Hart Reade are expert solicitors who offer will writing services in Eastbourne, Polegate and Hailsham. Due to the number of offices we have, we also offer will writing services in Hastings, Bexhill as well as Battle, as well as to customers across the rest of East Sussex.  We can assist you in making a Will, however simple or complicated it may be. We can also advise you on the opportunities for setting up simple Trusts and limiting a potential liability to Inheritance Tax.

In making a Will, you also need to consider whether you wish to make specific gifts of individual items and leave legacies to family members, friends or perhaps to charities. It is then necessary to consider how the remainder of your estate is divided up. We can guide you through the process and we request that you complete our Will Questionnaire in advance of your appointment. All cases vary and we will quote according to your particular requirements and circumstances.

Our Wills Team

  • John Benson

    Head of Department, Partner

  • Faye Harlow Smith

    Associate Solicitor

  • Laura Mitchell

    Partner, LLB (Hons) TEP

  • Heather Smith

    Partner, LLB (Hons)

The appointment of Executors also needs to be considered carefully. We can advise on the appropriate family or friends to do this. Where required, the partners of the firm can act as Executors.

Do I need a will?

If you die without a Will, or leave a Will which is incomplete or invalid, the law determines what happens to your estate. If you are married, it does not necessarily follow that the whole of your estate passes to your spouse. “Common Law” partners are not recognised under the Intestacy Rules.

We may also be able to help protect your Will from being contested at a later date.

Failure to make a Will can not only lead to unexpected results, but cause much heartache and unhappiness for those who survive you. Having a Will prepared by an experienced Solicitor can provide reassurance to you and your family.

Will Writing Services in Hastings

You can speak to any one of our Private Client Solicitors if you live in Hastings or the surrounding areas and would like to get your Will prepared. If you would like to view our full list of Solicitors please visit our full meet the team page.

Hart Reade’s fees compare favourably with those charged by banks and other Will writing services. We offer free and safe storage of original Wills in our strong room. We also provide you with a copy to refer to at home.

Get in touch

If you are looking for will writing services in Hastings, Bexhill or Battle, then please call 01323 727321 to arrange an appointment with us. Alternatively, please fill in the form below and a member of our team will get in touch.

Get in touch

Telephone one of our offices

Please telephone the following numbers to arrange an appointment:

Eastbourne: 01323 727321

Hailsham: 01323 841481

Polegate: 01323 487051

We will maintain complete confidentiality and discretion at all times.