Hart Reade are expert solicitors who offer will writing services in Eastbourne, Polegate and Hailsham. We also work with clients throughout the surrounding areas in East Sussex. We can assist you in making a Will as well as advising you upon opportunities for setting up simple Trusts and limiting a potential liability to Inheritance Tax.
The appointment of Executors needs to be considered carefully and we can advise on whether it is appropriate for family or friends to do this. Where required, the Partners of Hart Reade can act as Executors.
In making a Will, you also need to consider whether you wish to make specific gifts of individual items and leave legacies to family members, friends or charities. It is then necessary to decide how the remainder of your estate is divided up. We can guide you through the process and we request that you complete our Will Questionnaire in advance of your appointment. All cases vary and we will quote according to your particular requirements and circumstances.