Divorce and Family Finance
Divorce Solicitors in Eastbourne, Hailsham, Polegate and Meads
Hart Reade are solicitors based in Eastbourne, Hailsham and Polegate in East Sussex and specialise in all areas of law, including divorce, civil partnerships and financial settlements.
The majority of Divorces (including Civil Partnerships) are pursued without the need for any attendance at Court. We aim to agree the Divorce Petition with your spouse or civil partner at the outset and more often than not cases are resolved amicably and by agreement. This can be achieved even in the most difficult of cases.
We offer specialist advice on both large and small cases, with different lawyers available to suit your case. Our family law solicitors will advise as to the consequences of divorce and finance, separation of cohabitants and upon all consequent financial issues including property, investments, pensions, maintenance including child maintenance (and the Child Maintenance Service). Also spousal maintenance payments or maintenance (including clean breaks) and tax issues etc. We are able to advise in respect of transfers of property, lump sum payments and pension sharing Orders.
The financial aspects of a divorce (formerly known as ‘Ancillary Relief’ or ‘Financial Provision’) range from simple to complex. Every case is different as with each client’s individual objectives.
We will assist you in negotiating a settlement or represent you in formal proceedings (known as an application for a Financial Order) if required. We also advise upon agreeing and securing Consent Orders or Separation Agreements.
Rights for Married Couples
Many people do not realise that even though they are divorced their financial claims against each other could remain open. We therefore recommend securing a binding settlement, documented within a Consent Order, to secure certainty and peace of mind for the future. These documents are often requested for those seeking a clean break i.e. a dismissal of all claims against each other. Such arrangements can be difficult to achieve and implement without the assistance of a specialist solicitor.
We will give full advice in respect of mediation services and ADR and avoid Court proceedings wherever possible, to keep costs to a minimum. In uncontested cases neither party needs to attend the Court for Divorce or Financial settlements.
Our experienced lawyers will give you clear and practical advice with the focus on keeping costs to a minimum and ensure matters are dealt with amicably and swiftly. There are many unforeseen pitfalls and family law can be a complex and confusing area. We have the expertise to assist you and avoid the many hazards by giving clear advice to give you the best possible outcome in line with your objectives.
Free Legal Appointment
Our Family Department offers a free 30 minute appointment to all clients.
At that appointment we will discuss and review your circumstances and give you preliminary legal advice.
We will also review with you, in general terms, your options in respect of the divorce, finances or children matters and also provide a cost estimate.
The 30 minute appointment will be free of charge and there will be no obligation for you to use our services.
Get in touch
If you wish to speak to any of the family law team about subjects such as divorce, financial resolution, or anything else relating to family matters, then please get in touch. You can call us on one of the numbers below to arrange an appointment or please fill in the form below and someone will get in touch.
Please telephone the following contact numbers to arrange an appointment:
We will maintain complete confidentiality and discretion at all times.
Divorce Law Leaflet
We have set out a brief step by step guide to divorce to help you understand the process.
Divorce Law LeafletPlease note the above is for information purposes only and is intended to be a short summary. It should not be treated as a comprehensive guide and should not be acted on without qualified legal advice.
Further Legal Information
Click on the links below for further information on the following areas:
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)