Collaborative Law

Mediation With Representation

Collaborative Lawyers in Eastbourne, Hailsham and Polegate

Traditionally, when couples separate, they each take independent legal advice from specialist family solicitors.  Working through their lawyers, they try to reach an agreement on how best to settle their differences.

They work out how to share the assets – and the responsibilities. For example the children, as they each go their separate ways.

In many cases, with our help, couples reach an agreement in this way.  Where they do not, it is often left to Family Courts to decide.

Family Mediators in East Sussex

Mediation is often a good way of resolving matters without Court involvement.  Please read more on mediation services

However, some clients find that traditional mediation (where lawyers do not attend) does not work in all cases.

A collaborative approach is often described as ‘mediation with representation’ and has the highest success rate of all.

With collaborative law, you and your former partner sit down and with the help of your own solicitors, together in the same room, work out a resolution ‘face to face’.

Clearly, this is not for everybody, but in those cases where you feel you can work with your former partner, this is an excellent and cost-effective way of resolving matters without Court action.

Family lawyers working together

Rather than dealing through your solicitors, you work with them, to reach the best solutions for you and your family.  Your solicitor may also suggest bringing other professionals into the process to help reach an agreement.  This could include a pension advisor, an independent financial adviser, a collaboratively trained Barrister or a family consultant.  In a lot of cases, matters can be resolved simply with the assistance of the solicitors.

It sounds very straightforward, but to work requires the right people with the right frame of mind:

  • A genuine desire to reach an agreement that is fair to the whole family
  • A willingness to disclose, fully and honestly, information about all assets
  • Skilled and trained solicitors, who are accomplished in what they do
  • Commitment to reaching a solution without going to Court

What makes it so successful?

You still benefit from having your own independent legal adviser.  However, you are in control without the threat of Court proceedings hanging over you.

You set the agenda, so you talk about the things that matter most to you and your family.  Also setting your own pace, because you are not governed by Court dates and appearances.

You maintain contact with your former partner – when you attend meetings with your solicitors. In that way you have the best chance of understanding each other and finding the right solutions.

Remember, if children are involved, you will both remain parents and it will help your children to cope better with the separation if they see that you are working things out together.  Most importantly, the key decisions you make about your future are yours – and not a stranger in the Court Room.

  • Guy Brown

    Co-Head of Department, Partner

  • Greg Saunders


Solicitors in  Eastbourne, Hailsham and Polegate, East Sussex

Hart Reade will be with you every step of the way, as part of your collaborative team.

We are absolutely committed to helping you find the best solution by agreement, rather than through conflict.

Sometimes, talking things through can seem the hardest challenge of all.  When relationships break down, hurt, bitterness and anger are often the strongest feelings, but almost always, the very best solutions are those which you work out for yourselves – together.  At its simplest, that is what collaborative law is all about – reaching solutions together to ease the pain of family breakdown.

As stated, this is not for everyone, but if you would like to explore your options please note the details below.

Legal Appointments in East Sussex

Hart Reade offers a free 30 minute appointment to all clients.

At that appointment we will discuss and review your circumstances and give you preliminary legal advice.

We will also review with you the options available as to how you can resolve your case, to include collaborative law, but only if appropriate.

Get in touch

If you wish to speak to any of the family law team about subjects such as divorce, financial resolution, or anything else relating to family matters and civil partnerships, then please get in touch. You can call us on one of the numbers below to arrange an appointment or please fill in the form below and someone will get in touch.

Please telephone the following numbers to arrange an appointment with either Guy Brown (Eastbourne) or Carolyn Richards (Hailsham) who deal with collaborative law.  Please note both Guy and Carolyn also see clients in Polegate.  The contact details are as follows:


Tel: 01323 727321


Tel: 01323 841481


Tel: 01323 487051