Business Employment Law

Business Employment Law

Instructing an Employment Law Solicitor

Employment law is complex and different rules can sometimes interact with one another with unexpected consequences.

Employment law is also subject to regular change as a result of legislation and decisions of the Courts and the Employment Appeal Tribunal. As a consequence it is important to stay up to date. We have access to regularly maintained research facilities which ensures our advice is completely current.

Early advice is often the key to a successful outcome in employment cases. Knowing from the outset how to position yourself drastically improves the chance of a successful outcome.

Employment Law Services

We advise Employers of all sizes on all issues of employment law, including:

Preventative Steps

We can help draft your contract of employment and your policies and procedures including disciplinary and grievance procedures. We also offer in house training for your staff.

Business Workplace Problems

When an employment issue arises, even if you are familiar with employment law, applying the law and general principles to a particular situation in the workplace is sometimes difficult for experienced personnel officers in large corporations let alone hard pressed managers in small and medium sized businesses. We can provide immediate advice on urgent problems within the workplace – it is important to act properly at the outset if future problems are to be avoided.

Business Transfers

The complexity of business transfer legislation in this area can make it a minefield for the unwary.

Generally, employees transfer with the Business and purchasers will take on liability for the accrued employment and redundancy rights of employees. Sellers have obligations to consult and inform employees about a business transfer including telling employees how their job will be affected.

Whether you are purchasing or selling a business it is essential you understand your obligations to your employees. Failure to comply with legislation can be a costly mistake.

Employment Advice

Please telephone 01323 727 321 to arrange an appointment to see us. Alternatively, please complete the contact form below.

Please click here to fill in our contact form

Please note the above is for information purposes only and is intended to be a short summary.  It should not be treated as a comprehensive guide and should not be acted on without qualified legal advice.