Resolving matters without Court proceedings
We offer specialist and objective advice on all aspects of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) so that you can make an informed decision as to the best way to resolve your case. We aim to deal with your matter swiftly, fairly and hopefully without Court proceedings, to keep costs proportionate.
Solicitor assisted settlement is a popular, successful and cost-effective method of ADR, where you determine our level of involvement. For example, simply implementing a settlement you have reached directly or helping you with the negotiations so that costs are acceptable to you in view of the issues / assets. We also regularly negotiate settlements with spouses directly, or with their legal representatives on your behalf, with the sole aim of achieving a swift but fair agreement for you without an application to the Court.
We will also review and discuss the merits of Mediation and Collaborative Law with you.
Whatever method of ADR you ultimately chose, it is essential that it is right for you.
In some cases, Court proceedings are either inevitable or needed to finalise a settlement. However, even in these matters, ADR should always be considered and hopefully pursued, as an application to the Court should always be a last resort.