Lasting Power of Attorney Forms

Simplified forms were introduced for both Financial and Property Affairs and Health and Welfare Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA) from 1st July 2015.

The new forms and provisions arise through the Lasting Powers of Attorney, Enduring Powers of Attorney and Public Guardian (Amendment) Regulations 2015 which amend the 2007 Regulations.

The new forms and supporting documents (Notice to person being notified and Application to Register) are simplified and dispense with the requirement to have two Certificate Providers where no one is being given notice of an Application to register an LPA. If you are contemplating appointing an Attorney or Attorneys it is very important to seek legal advice as the powers your Attorneys can have are wide ranging and difficulties can be encountered if the forms are not completed correctly or the necessary procedures followed.

The old forms can continue to be used up until January 1st 2016 and any LPA made on the old forms prior to January 1st 2016 can continue to be registered after that date.

For further information please contact us.

Eastbourne: 01323 727321

Meads: 01323 407577

Hailsham: 01323 841481

Polegate: 01323 487051