Which Divorce Lawyer do I choose?
Hart Reade are solicitors based in Eastbourne, Hailsham and Polegate and specialise in all areas of law, including divorces, civil partnerships and financial settlements.
We are really happy to see clients from anywhere in East Sussex. Many of our clients come to us from Bexhill, Battle, Heathfield, Uckfield, Lewes, Seaford and all the surrounding areas in Sussex. Two parties won’t be able to use the same divorce solicitor and a lot of our clients also wish to use a solicitor in a totally different area from where they live. Much of our work comes from these areas and we are also proud to say that we see many clients from in and around Tunbridge Wells in Kent.
The majority of divorces (including Civil Partnerships) are pursued without the need for any attendance at Court. We aim to agree the Divorce Petition with your spouse or civil partner at the outset. More often than not cases are resolved amicably and by agreement. This can be achieved even in the most difficult of cases.
Our divorce lawyers offer specialist advice on both large and small divorce cases, with different solicitors available to suit your case. We can advise as to the consequences of divorce, separation of cohabitants and upon all consequent financial divorce issues. Including property, investments, pensions, maintenance including child support (and the Child Support Agency). Also spousal maintenance payments or maintenance (including clean breaks) and tax issues etc. We are able to advise in respect of transfers of property, lump sum payments and pension sharing orders.