Mediation Services
What is Mediation or Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)?
Alternative Dispute Resolution, which is sometimes referred to more generally as mediation, is a voluntary method of resolving disputes. Without the costs and delay of court or tribunal proceedings. It can take on a number of forms. Including attending round table meetings with your opponent, negotiating in correspondence and/or attending a mediation meeting. Where the services of a specially trained independent third party (the mediator) are employed to assist the parties in settling disputes. Using mediation can often mean no further action such as court cases will be necessary.
The courts and tribunal believe that litigation should be a last resort and therefore an obligation is imposed on parties to a dispute to consider whether ADR is appropriate and if so to use it.
Benefits of Mediation
The advantage of ADR is that it is generally cheaper than Court or Tribunal proceedings. Quicker, more flexible and likely to produce more realistic and workable solutions. It is a particularly good method if the parties wish to preserve their relationship.
There is generally a high rate of successful settlement for parties who take advantage of ADR. In the small percentage of cases where a complete solution is not achieved, there are general advantages which come out of the process:-
- Issues will have been narrowed limiting the scope of further dispute.
- Parties will have a clearer idea of the other side’s case.
- Compliance with court rules requiring parties to demonstrate that they have attempted to amicably settle will have been demonstrated. Failure to demonstrate this can have serious consequences in legal costs.
Mediation Services in East Sussex
Hart Reade Solicitors are skilled in all types of ADR. We can provide you with full advice in relation to mediation services. We can also give you advice on the various methods that can be used to resolve your case without recourse to the courts or tribunals. Often with our expert assistance, ADR can be the catalyst helping the parties to reach a mutually acceptable solution. It is essential that you receive full advice in relation to your circumstances and particularly whether mediation is suitable as there could be cost consequences for you if you do not consider this.
We have offices in Polegate, Eastbourne, Hailsham and Meads. If you think you need to have mediation services in East Sussex, then please get in touch. Please telephone us on 01323 727321 to arrange an appointment to see us for advice on mediation. Alternatively, please complete the contact form below.
Please note the above is for information purposes only and is intended to be a short summary. It should not be treated as a comprehensive guide and should not be acted on without qualified legal advice.