Partners and staff from Hart Reade were delighted to attend the award ceremony of the new East Sussex Women in Business Awards at the Cavendish Hotel, Eastbourne, on Friday 23 September as the event’s main sponsor. These awards were a new venture for Johnston Press and celebrated the role that women play in business today.
As part of its overall marketing strategy, Hart Reade were looking for an opportunity to sponsor an exciting new event and these awards provided the perfect opportunity. Apart from being the event’s main sponsor Hart Reade also selected the Overall Business of the Year from the individual winners – their choice was purepotions, a company founded and owned by Natalie Balmond.
The whole event was a great success and enjoyed by everyone who was involved. It gave women in business the opportunity to shine and share the successes they have achieved. It was also an opportunity to get dressed up, something that doesn’t happen nearly enough!