Hart Reade sponsors Hailsham Art Trail – on this week

Sunset Pier by Jennifer Bisset

Art Trail

Hart Reade are proud to sponsor the Hailsham Art Trail, part of the 2017 Hailsham Festival of Arts and Culture.

This year’s art trail is the biggest yet, with over 100 artists’ work in 20 venues across Hailsham.

Hart Reade’s Hailsham office is number 19 on the trail and displaying work by Jennifer Bisset.

The festival is in full swing and runs until 18th September.  Please stop by our Hailsham office this week to view some of Jennifer’s beautiful art works.

Our Hailsham office can be found at Old Manor House, Market Street. Visitors are very welcome at any time during our office hours: 9.00am – 5.15pm Monday to Friday.

Old Manor House