Delays eased at probate registry
Delays at the probate registry will hopefully be eased with the installation of a new management team. The average wait for grant of probate is currently 12 weeks. Mike Freer MP answered a number of questions on the subject in Parliament. He stated recovery measures to speed up the process have worked with increased staffing. October 2023 set a new monthly record for probate outputs, however The Institute of Legacy Management said, ‘We are all too aware that there is still a hefty build-up of unprocessed estates in the system and how challenging it can be for bereaved families and charities alike when waiting for probate to be granted.’
To address the slow service, The House of Commons Justice Select Committee has launched an inquiry into the probate registry’s performance.
Here’s hoping things will continue to speed up.
If you have probate matter and would like expert advice, contact Hart Reade on 01323 727 321.