We are pleased to welcome a new member to our Eastbourne office, Olivia Hurrell. Olivia will be working in our property department assisting our conveyancing team with residential and commercial property matters.
Olivia has worked in residential property with another local firm and is looking forward to getting to know everyone at Hart Reade. When asked why she chose to specialise in property law, Olivia said, “I like the fast-paced nature of a property transaction, and telling clients a matter has completed is always the best part, knowing I have helped them in their property journey to giving them the best outcome possible!”
Outside of the office Olivia is not only completing her law degree, but she is also a busy mum. She loves to cook, see friends and spend time with her family. Head of Department, Andrew Pluck said, “We hope Olivia makes herself at home, she will be a valuable asset to the firm. And she is more than welcome to test out any new recipes/baked goods with samples in our staff kitchen!”